Saturday, April 03, 2010

Doctor Who Series 5, Episode 1: "The Eleventh Hour"

Doctor Who is one of my favorite shows on television. Unlike American science fiction, DW is very quirky and zany, which really appeals to me. Doctor Who started back in the 1960s, and took a break in the late 1980s. A movie was released in 1996, but the series remained in stasis until Russell T. Davies brought it back in 2005. Since then, he's been the head writer for the ninth (Christopher Eccleston) and tenth (David Tennant) doctors. Last winter, Tennant left the role, and Davies left as head writer, giving the reins to Stephen Moffat, who wrote some of the best episodes of the new series, particularly "Blink."

Today was the premiere of Moffat's new series, complete with a new doctor (Matt Smith), new companion (Karen Gillan), new sonic screwdriver, new TARDIS, new intro sequence, new take on the classic DW theme.... basically a complete revamp. The departing doctor, Tennant, was recently voted the best doctor ever, and that raises some concerns for the new guy. How can he make the role his own, and make people interested in his take, when people are still sad that the last doctor's gone?

If "The Eleventh Hour" is any indication, the new series is going to be stellar! Beware of SPOILERS from here on out. The episode picks off almost immediately after the tenth doctor's regeneration, with the TARDIS hurling through the atmosphere. It rather predictably crashes, and the newly regenerated and hungry doctor encounters a little girl, Amelia Pond. She cooks him some food, all of which disappoints him except fish and custard. Then he goes to investigate a crack in her room, and discovers that prisonser zero has escaped. The doctor leaves, with a promise of returning in five minutes. That promise is kept, although he arrives about 12 years late, and encounters a much more mature Amy Pond. Prisoner zero is still on the run, and the episode follows the doctor as he tries to stop prisoner zero.

One of the things I liked about this episode was how Amy played a big role from the start. Unlike previous companions (read: Rose Tyler), Amy is smart, attractive, and has a nice backstory with the doctor that may serve the story well. We also don't have to deal with any annoying parents (read: Rose Tyler's mom), since Amy's all alone. Her bit of an obession with the doctor as a child is also pretty interesting.

Matt Smith really takes control of the role, and really makes you forget that Tennant just left. Smith's doctor does channel some of Tennant's qualities at times. Certain mannerisms, certain expressions, are reminiscent of the departed doctor. However, this may be due to the fact that he just regenerated. Smith isn't as wild as Tennant was, yet he feels silly, yet grounded, and serious yet lighthearted. It's fun to watch this doctor at work so far, and I have a feeling that things are only going to get better from here.

And the TARDIS! It looks much, much better than last time. The TARDIS of the Davies era had some weird orange lighting, and a totally unappealing organic feel to it. This TARDIS looks more like a circus show. The episode gave us a good look at the console, which is so fun and quirky! There's even an old fashioned hot and cold water faucet handle contraption, and also one of those big horn-like things that the grammy award trophies are based on. It's also much bigger on the inside than the previous TARDIS.

The TARDIS makes up for the very different opening credits. Instead of a funky vortex, the TARDIS is now hurling through some stormy tunnels, complete with lightning. The new theme, also written by Murray Gold, is lacking the strong beat that the series has always had, to my knowledge. It doesn't sound terrible, but I think it'll take some getting used to.

Overall, I'm very excited for where the new series is headed. Moffat already hinted at the arc for this series, something about silence. Matt Smith is a joy to watch, Amy Pond seems to be a strong companion and a pretty sight, and with Moffat at the helm, the stories should be stellar. And in just about a month, we'll be seeing the return of a very familiar face....

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Blogger Rook and Pawn said...

i get credit for calling it a circus!

10:46 PM  

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