Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Doctor Will See You Now

Today, BBC America sponsored the US premiere of The Eleventh Hour at the Village East Cinema near Union Square. I really didn't think there would be that many DW fans here in the US, but I was quite surprised. I arrived in line at 10:30am for a 7pm showing, but there were already like 40 people ahead of me in line! Some people were even dressed up (some with long Tom Baker scarves, others with sonic screwdrivers and remote control daleks).

I waited in line for quite a while, and was joined by a friend from high school. Eventually BBC America came through for some media coverage. We weren't let in until 6:30pm, so Matt Smith and Karen Gillam came out to placade the crowd. I wasn't near the outer edge of the line, and thus wasn't one of the few to get autographs. However, I was able to see him rather up close! Another guy came dressed as a tenth doctor type without the trenchcoat, but sporting the 3D glasses Tennant wore every so often. The best outfit went to a guy who came dressed very much like the tenth doctor at the beginning of "The End of Time, complete with those Hawaiian flower things around his neck. A bunch of women were also there, dressed as Captain Jack and some random police woman.

We were given these ticket stubs to actually gain entry, and also a magnet featuring the BBC America poster for the new series. Around 6:30pm we were let in, and sent up to the theater. The theater was rather small, but beautifully designed. One guy introduced the event, and the lady next to me and my friend was very gung ho and friendly and talkative. Then, they screened the episode, with much applause from the crowd at the start, especially with the title sequence.

After the screening, this lady who writes some blog or something introduced Steven Moffat, Karen Gillam, and finally Matt Smith. There was much rancorous applause from the crowd of course. The lady started asking them some pretty lame questions about what's next for DW, and how Matt Smith and the rest liked NY, and other stupid questions that they probably answered many times over. Then they turned the questions over to the audience. I tried to ask a question about Matt Smith channeling David Tennant's characteristics in this episode, but I wasn't chosen.

Others asked a bunch of good question, many directed at Steven Moffat and his thoughts on writing. Matt Smith did say that if we liked Blink, the 12th and 13th episodes of the series (basically the series finale I believe) are going to be even better. Karen Gillam looked rather bored/sad during the interview. Maybe it's because she wasn't getting a lot of attention from the questioners, as most were directed to Smith and Moffat.

Overall it was quite enjoyable. I would have liked to have asked a question or gotten an autograph, but overall I was glad to have been able to see them. And to have been able to see the extend of DW fandom. Some people even drove up here from New Hampshire and took two days off from work! Surely there are a lot of Whovians here it seems. Geronimo!


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