Saturday, August 11, 2012

Discussions on TDKR

The folks over at MUBI posted an interesting discussion about TDKR, which they consider Nolan's weakest film. Having seen all his features, aside from Insomnia which I ironically fell asleep in, I can say I agree. Nolan's films have had a certain charm, something unique about them. Memento had its novel storytelling, The Prestige was a magic trick of a film. Following captured its tone and mood well, helped by being filmed in black-and-white.  Inception took an inventive idea and kept you thinking, and the previous two bat-films delved into the character and nature of Batman. TDKR is where Nolan fails. We don't delve into Batman or Bruce Wayne. Bane is fleshed out, only to discover later he's just a henchman, albeit a loyal one. Alfred abandons the one person he cares about. Selina Kyle is barely fleshed out, and "Robin" is some sort of detective genius (figuring out Batman's identity), who decides to become a vigilante. I don't claim to have thought about the overarching themes in the film as much as these MUBI guys, but I care a lot about characters, which is a major point where Nolan fails. Among many others. I'm glad I'm not alone in my dislike of this potentially final Nolan bat-film.


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