Saturday, April 17, 2010

Doctor Who Series 5, Episode 3: "Victory of the Daleks"

I wasn't really a big fan of the daleks when the new DW series started. I mean, they're big robots that can't even climb stairs (except when they had that levitation capability). However, after going back and watching a few of the key dalek episode with Tom Baker (especially Genesis of the Daleks), I now understand why they are dangerous. While many aliens in science fiction have morals, no matter how questionable they may be, the daleks do not. They are without morals, without good or evil, they are just here to conquer. And that makes them formidable.

This episode marks the 11th doctor's first encounter with his longtime enemies. Winston Churchill calls the doctor to WWII-era Britain, where the British army has a new weapon, which they called the ironsides. However, the doctor realizes they are actually the daleks. The amount of anger the doctor shows against his enemy was impressive. Whereas the tenth doctor had bouts where he would get angry, this doctor seems a bit more on the angrier side. I feel like there's something unsettling about him, as if one day he's just going to snap. Matt Smith continues to play the doctor very well, and still rather scatter-brained.

Amy Pond is shaping up to be an even stronger companion now. We are seeing, just from the last two episodes, that the doctor needs Amy. She offers a perspective that he sometimes fails to see. Having seen Smith and Gillam this week, it's interesting to watch them on the screen now. During the Q&A session in Manhattan this week, Smith did a lot of two-finger gestures, and the doctor did that in this episode as well.

Again we saw the crack in space, which we've seen in the last two episodes. Moffat said that this season's "big bad" was present in the first episode, but it's not what we suspect. This crack in space isn't the big clue, I think. The fact that Amy doesn't remember a thing about the daleks from Journey's End offers more insight. Something's wrong with time, maybe something's changing the timeline. I'm not sure what prisoner zero meant by silence will fall, but I can't wait to find out, week by week.

This was a decent episode. I like the daleks, but I felt as if this were more of a lead-in for a future episode. It's main purpose seemed to be to introduce these new paradigm daleks, now with all the colors of the rainbow! You know, the doctor keeps destroying the daleks but they keep returning. One would think he'd realize at some point that somewhere out in space, there's probably one dalek still surviving despite his best efforts to eradicate them.

Once again, I feel the need to reiterate how good Matt Smith's acting is. I feel there's a lot of subtlety that the tenth and ninth doctors didn't have. Tennant was very good at showing the sad and upset side of the doctor, which Smith channels as well. However, whereas Tennant was often more manic, Smith is contemplative, which makes him that much more interesting to watch, if not as much outright entertaining. Which I actually prefer now, with this new series.

Next week: River Song! Whatever you do, don't blink (again)!


Blogger Rook and Pawn said...

i did not like this episode at all. i don't know what winston churchill was really supposed to be like but i'm disappointed if hes anything like how they portrayed him in the episode. as some fat blob who really doesn't seem to be as powerful and least not as much as the doctor!
also the daleks are ugly machines.

9:46 PM  

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