Saturday, September 03, 2011

Doctor Who Series 6 Episode 8: Let's Kill Hitler!

For an episode titled "Let's Kill Hitler!," there was very little of said dictator. Instead, we have an almost entirely River-focused episode. We now know that River regenerated after "Day of the Moon" into an African-American toddler, who went on to find Rory and Amy, and spend much of her childhood with them. She helped them see their love for each other, and she herself got into lots of trouble. I didn't feel like Mels was forced into the story per se, but seeing her previously during series 1 would have made the story more cohesive, I think. Anyway, I was surprised when she regenerated into the River we know.

This also means that the doctor and River aren't seeing each other in strictly reverse order. River did say that she was in impressionable young girl, and that the doctor knew everything about her when they first met. Was that now? Or the next time they meet? It was somewhat annoying to track the timelines between the doctor and River before, but now it's going to be just plain confusing, I feel.

Now we know why she studied archeology. We don't know when her and the doctor get closer, but maybe that's what the series finale ("The Wedding of River Song") will be all about. And as for her sleeper mode, I guess the torture she went through somehow deleted that from her mind? She seemed to be much more in control after that. And why couldn't the doctor take River along with them after that? Why did she have to find her own way?

I feel like Moffat answered a big chunk of questions this time, as promised. We even got some tidbits about the silence: they aren't a species but more of a religious sect, and they helped brainwash River, along with eyepatch lady's organization. Out of fear of the doctor, presumably, but we have no real idea why they feared him that much. And what's the deal with the oldest question in the universe? And did River really use all her regenerations? How does the doctor know? It's a moot point anyway, since her body dies in "Silence in the Library." And finally, what's up with the doctor's new jacket?

Next week: the cool child monster thing episode!


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