Saturday, December 24, 2011

Review: "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo"

"The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo"
Directed by: David Fincher
Starring: Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara

Fincher's take on Steig Larson's novel "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" comes only a couple of years after the swedish version. The movie had probably the most memorable trailer of recent memory, with rapid fire scenes from the film edited well to a cover of Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song." And after a short prologue, the film began with the same song, set to a crazy array of images including iPod cables, birds of fire, computer keyboards, and people made out of what looks like wax. It was reminiscent of a modern Bond credit sequence.

Unfortunately, the movie was only decent after that, for one who has read the book. I don't think TGWTDT translates into an overly interesting film. As a book, the mystery unfolds well, and Lisbeth's character is written so well, she ties the book together. Lisbeth remains the strongest aspect of this film, with Mara playing her just as she seemed in the book, to me at least. It's not much different that how Noomi Rapace played her in the swedish version.

The book, and hence the movie, doesn't have any key iconic scenes that you look particularly forward to seeing, aside from the scenes early on with Lisbeth being a victim of Bjurmann, and her revenge on him. I didn't like how certain things were changed from the novel, namely how Harriet Vanger is actually Anita Vanger in London, not living in Australia. And also, how Blomkvist didn't write the detailed novel on the mafia banker, but simple released an article. I felt that last part of the movie was glossed over pretty fast.

Otherwise, the story is just rather boring once you know what happens and everything. For someone who hasn't read the book, I guess it could be intriguing. But to me, it's a good one time viewing. Aside from that intro, which I can't wait to see again.


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