Friday, April 13, 2012

TV Review: "The Walking Dead" Season 2 Episode 12

I'm not sure who this governor character is, but I think we sure need him. Because with Shane gone, the arguably most interesting character by far is dead. And I was quite totally not expecting it. So, I knew that someone dies near the end of season 2, because EW would post such non-revealing titles as "(SPOILER) dies, what did you think?" after an episode aired. Not knowing where the season was when I saw that headline, I sort of figured it was Dale, but that anyone could still die. But I did not expect Shane to die, which is why we need a strong, interesting character next season to carry on his role in the show.


Looking back, I don't know if it should have gone down any other way. After the altercation in "18 Miles Out," how could Shane agree to stay with Rick and company, and be an obedient puppy? Especially when Rick was going to let Randall go, yet Shane found out that Randall was very much a part of the other group, and even knew where they were. So, it appears Shane was right, and Rick would have put the group in serious danger. Not only that, but Shane had a good point; Rick was putting his perceived responsibility for Randall above that of his own child. Shane was such a good character, and I'm really quite sad that they killed him. This needs to change Rick in some way for it to have some meaning.


I know I'm behind in catching up with the show, but reading recaps, it seems that many people felt the first half of season 2 was dull, and the second half picked things up. I'm worried they picked things up too far in the other direction, by trying to kill off too many people. It was done well, but if they keep killing people consistently, it can also turn out to be an issue.


And something very, very interesting was raised. I read in someone's recap online of another episode that in the season 1 finale, the scientist guy whispered in Rick's ear that the TS-19 virus exists in everyone. There wasn't any real evidence to support that until now. I was trying to figure out why Randall turned into a walker, because he died from that neck snap. But when we saw Shane rise up as a walker, it kind of hit home that everyone is prone. All you need to do is die. And the world is much more screwed now. I can't wait to see what direction the show goes in now.


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