Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Relating to "Avenger's" Villain

In "Thor" and "The Avengers," loki comes across as a unique villain. After reading some comics about him, you really learn his motivation and where he's coming from. Not evil, per se, but he feels slighted. Born (or adopted) in a family of royalty, he was always second best to his brother, thor. Stronger, more popular, more loved by his family, and true heir to the throne, loki felt second best, less fortunate, an afterthought. That's what leads him to try and create a threat to asgard in order to save it, to win his father's trust and love. And when that fails, he tries to take over earth, maybe to feel feared, to feel the respect he feels he's deserved. I can't claim to feel exactly like that, but I can see where he's coming from. Despite all the blessings one has, sometimes one cannot help but see a lot of friends successful while doing not much more than oneself, while you seem stagnant and lost. That's how I feel often, especially with some of my friend's and their career advancements both in acceptance to residency and in residency. I work like they do, but I feel sort of stuck and nonadvancing. I guess that's how loki felt on a bigger scale, and I can see why his motivations were what they were. It's tough sometimes to see that, but then I think of the bigger picture, and I can't see all the strings and true meanings of things.


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