Wednesday, October 17, 2012

TV Review: "The Walking Dead" (301)

Season 3, Episode 1

Another one bites the dust. They got Hershel! Most likely, at least, as it's unclear if he really took the bullet at the end. A rather gruesome amputation, though. This series started off with a takeover of the prison. The group survived the winter, but you can see relations are stressed, and stress is high. Especially amongst Rick and Lori, who aren't even on speaking terms, really. A side story involves Michonne and the other girl who's name currently escapes me, along with Michonne's zombie duo. Man, those guys are creepy cool. They also survived the winter, but Andrea (googled it) has taken a bit sick. Michonne fights to get some aspirin for her, but Andrea knows they have to keep moving, and move onwards they do. Onwards to Woodbury, let's see the guvnor! Back at the prison, Rick and company free a prison cell block, but while navigating some dark corridors, Hershel gets himself bit, leading to the aforementioned amputation. As the team supports Rick's newfound surgical skills, a group of likely non-walker prisoners looks on. More people!

Overall, a stellar first episode. This show has been consistently good at capturing the tone and feel of what it's probably like to live there. And it's scary. And probably smelly, their clothes look so stinky and dirty. Wonderful makeup job. And the zombies are as cool as ever, wonderful makeup and design. Hopefully this season isn't as slow paced as the start of the last one (she's in the barn, folks!). And I'm hoping we get a look at the governor next episode! And more Michonne, she's one bad*** chick.


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