Building a Sonic Screwdriver
After seeing the 11th doctor's new sonic screwdriver, I really wish I had my own. However, a toy version of his screwdriver costs at least $25, and usually more. It comes with sound and all, but I wasn't willing (yet) to spend that much on a plastic toy. I mean, it's not a lightsaber after all. Most of what I'm writing below if for my own future benefit, as I have a bad memory.

So, I decided to go the cheap way and make my own screwdriver, from scratch. I usually hoard a lot of stuff, although I've been trying to get rid of stuff recently. For once, all that hoarding came in handy, as I found a lot of odds and ends with which to craft my personalized screwdriver. First, I checked online to see if anyone else did the same. A few did, but they had some fancy parts that I didn't own, so I went my own route.

After searching around, I found a penlight (from the pack I bought for 3rd year), a pair of rabbit ear TV antennas, a mouse ball (from those old school computer mice), and some red automobile tape. This wasn't really enough to make a screwdriver with, so I opened my tool kit and found one of those right angle screwdriver things, and some other metal screwdriver stuff, which you can see at the bottom part. I also found a washer (I think) from my bathroom and some lego pieces.
I used the red tape to cover the penlight, making the light a fashionable red. I also attached a cap from a different penlight, which made it look cooler. I attached the antenna, the three screwdriver metal pieces, and tried to tape it all together. While it worked, it looked bad, so I instead used a glue gun to put em all together. FOr the black upper handle, I found an old badminton racket and removed the stuff from the handle. I partially glue gunned that as well, and then atttached the washer and mouse ball to the end. Finally, I found some odds and ends from a lego kit, small pieces of my old zen mp3 player (for the soft part where you activate the light), and two key rings, and also a USB connector for an old asian mp3 player. I put them all on, and voila, a completed screwdriver.... complete with rabbit ears!

So, I decided to go the cheap way and make my own screwdriver, from scratch. I usually hoard a lot of stuff, although I've been trying to get rid of stuff recently. For once, all that hoarding came in handy, as I found a lot of odds and ends with which to craft my personalized screwdriver. First, I checked online to see if anyone else did the same. A few did, but they had some fancy parts that I didn't own, so I went my own route.

After searching around, I found a penlight (from the pack I bought for 3rd year), a pair of rabbit ear TV antennas, a mouse ball (from those old school computer mice), and some red automobile tape. This wasn't really enough to make a screwdriver with, so I opened my tool kit and found one of those right angle screwdriver things, and some other metal screwdriver stuff, which you can see at the bottom part. I also found a washer (I think) from my bathroom and some lego pieces.
I used the red tape to cover the penlight, making the light a fashionable red. I also attached a cap from a different penlight, which made it look cooler. I attached the antenna, the three screwdriver metal pieces, and tried to tape it all together. While it worked, it looked bad, so I instead used a glue gun to put em all together. FOr the black upper handle, I found an old badminton racket and removed the stuff from the handle. I partially glue gunned that as well, and then atttached the washer and mouse ball to the end. Finally, I found some odds and ends from a lego kit, small pieces of my old zen mp3 player (for the soft part where you activate the light), and two key rings, and also a USB connector for an old asian mp3 player. I put them all on, and voila, a completed screwdriver.... complete with rabbit ears!

loll i must say this was....creative
better than wasting 25 bucks on a plastic fancy penlight basically.
you should submit this to Gizmodo!
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