Sunday, May 01, 2011

Doctor Who Series 6 Episode 2: Day of the Moon

Silence will fall. That part rang true this episode, as the silence are finally revealed, and apparently they're going to fall from power. I'm glad Moffat went with a completely original creation for the silence, instead of going with an old school villain. RTD did that a lot, with the master, daleks, and cybermen taking up a good chunk of his stories.

What are the silence? Are they the entire alien race, or are they a part of something else? That voice from the trailers, "I killed hundreds of time lords," sounded just like the silence. Are they the big bad this season? I like these new aliens, although they seem to be more along the theme of Moffat's type of villain. The four major aliens he's introduced to the whoverse (weeping angels, vashta nerada, prisoner zero, and the silence) are similar in a sense. You can't look away from the weeping angels, you can't remember the silence, you have to watch out for the shadows of the vashta nerada, and prisoner zero appears in the corner of your eye. They all have a gimmick, for lack of a better word.

And what's up with the astronaut baby? So, the silence needed a space suit, hence the 1969 mission to space. But why? Why the little girl? Needing a space suit specifically is a little odd. Were they trying to trap the girl? Maybe to tap into her power? And what the heck was that last scene? The obvious theory is that she's Amy's baby, given the photo in the orphanage. And since she can regenerate, the obvious assumption is that it's the doctor's baby. And remember, Moffat did say that we have a huge cliffhanger mid-series, something about Rory doing something very bad after finding out a secret about Amy's relationship with the doctor. Given the two instances this episode hinting at Rory's growing discontent with Amy's closensess with the doctor, the theory that Rory kills the doctor after finding out he fathered Amy's baby seems all too obvious. And with Moffat, obvious is usually not correct. That's obvious just from how this episode started.... 6 months later? I felt behind before the episode even began.

And poor River Song.... that's the last time she will ever kiss the doctor. I don't know when she'll be back, but I can't wait. I'm hoping that's when everything changes.

And I'm glad they made a connection with that control room from last series's "The Lodger"! And also, Rory's definitely growing on me. I didn't like him much at all at the start of last series (probably a bad taste from mickey in the eccleston/tennant era), but now I can't quite imagine the TARDIS without him.

Overall, a solid conclusion to this series opener. Yes, there are more questions left, but I felt like we got a satisfying series of answers so far. We know who the silence are. We saw and confirmed the connection to "The Lodger." We know more about the little girl. And we know there's something up with Amelia Pond's pregnancy, and the silence found her special as well.... can't wait to continue this journey.

Next time: Pirates and DW.... a good mix? Arrrgh, we shall see.


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