Saturday, September 17, 2011

The End Of Entourage: Only The Beginning?

For the series finale of a show all about a journey, it sure offered many new beginnings. The beginning of a new chapter in the life of Eric and Sloane, Vince's new life as a soon-to-be married man, Ari's newfound love for his wife, Turtle's newfound fortune, and Drama's rising success in his career. It was an enjoyable journey, one I watched for many years, since my 2nd year of college, give or take a year.

I enjoyed "Entourage" for one main reason, and that was the inside look at Hollywood. We saw agents making deals, actors trying to make it higher and higher, and how life in that realm functions. Over time, we have gotten attached to Vince, E, Drama, and Turtle. We saw Vince start off as a B-list actor, rise to fame with Aquaman, fall hard with Sasha Grey and drugs, and finally start back on his path to fame, but with his priorities finally set.

This season of "Entourage" has been somewhat of a mixed bag. E and Sloane were about to be married last season, but in the season premiere, they inexplicably broke up. Ari suddenly lost his wife; we've seen Mrs. Ari's frustration for years, so that's a bit more understandable. But the way things closed seemed somewhat rushed. Just last episode, Ari and Mrs. Ari were totally against each other, yet now they're back in love. Vince just met Sophia, yet now they're about to be bethrothed. E and Sloane getting back together (maybe) was believable to some degree, as both were not truly happy since they broke up, it seemed.

This finale wasn't quite a finale. It felt like a step in a new direction. This is no longer the "Entourage" we used to watch. These guys grew up. Vince became more mature. Eric realized what he needed to do to be there for his son. Ari finally realized what mattered most to him in his life. And Drama and Turtle? I guess they're the constants through the years. And all seemed like too much of a gift-wrapped happy ending, until that post-credits scene with Ari. An offer of a lifetime, and we saw a glimpse of the old Ari back again. Will we see what happens in a feature length "Entourage" film? I surely hope so!


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