Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Dexter's Downfall

Dexter was a total let down this season. Apparently showunners have been changing for each of the last three seasons, which explains their differences in quality. The show's peak was trinity's season 4, and last season was decent. This season was terrible. Geller and brother sam were good characters, but the former wasnt real, and the latter left early on. And we were left with Travis, a decent character early on, but without Geller, a boring, monotonous villain.

And it feels like everything after the Geller reveal was designed to augment that final scene. Deb having feelings, romantically, for dexter? I didn't see that in any of the prior 5 seasons. Yes, she's had relationship issues, but loving her brother? And not only subconsciously, but embracing it over the course of just 2 episodes? And all supposedly to amplify whatever her response is to finding Dexter's dark passenger? Give me a break.

When I see bad plot structures or executions, I like to play a game called 1-minute-plot, where i come up with an alternatively more interesting plot (in my opinion) in under a minute. For dexter, I'd say we should have had an undercurrent villain, maybe a serial rapist, who dexter is after all seaso and is elusive. Unbeknownst to him, deb's friend was a victim, and deb tracks this guy on her own, and finally catches him just as dex is about to off him. Trinity would still be the main villain. See, this is similar to how deb found dex now, but instead of being forced and contrived, it shows a common bind they share in defeating criminals, albeit in different ways. And it would leave the trinity story with room to breathe, unlike here, where Travis's death felt set up just for the surprise.

With Louis the intern on the horizon, maybe as a future big bad, and deb now knowing dexters secret, I feel the show has only one place to go to redeem itself: up. But my trust in the writer's has been shaken, and i plan I watch next season with a more critical eye.


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