Monday, April 09, 2012

"Ding A Chedder Box"

So, on the latest episode of "Modern Family," entitled "Send Out the Clowns," the show continues its streak of quality, family-friendly and truly funny comedy. Especially when things get a bit absurd, but still within the real of reality. Case in point: Lewis the clown hitting Cam with a fake rubber fish, and then a real pan, and the strangling him, as we see Mitchell's face go from true appreciation to horror. But the best part of the episode was Claire's last line. She says, what sounded to me, something like "Are you sure you want to ding a chedder box?" They were referring to something earlier in the episode, when Phil said he couldn't "ding" Claire in bed last night because he was amped for a big real estate deal. So, when she said "chedder box," I was thinking that's some odd and kinda gross humor. Chedder? Are we talking like candida? Some other kind of weird infection? Nope, turns out she said "chatterbox," referring to what Phil called her earlier in the episode. But a quick google search shows me I'm not alone in mishearing it!


Blogger Unknown said...

I heard it the same and Google it to find this 10 year old thread. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

8:54 PM  

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