Sunday, October 21, 2012

TV Review: "The Walking Dead" 302

This show is so good, so well done in terms of tone and characterization and character development and acting. And it benefitted so much from the many deaths if had throughout the last season. The core group now are more developed, and I feel the audience is closer to them as a result. This entire episode took place in the prison, immediately after the discovery of the locked prisoners last episode. Turns out this small group of five were trapped in the cafeteria, and were able to survive on whatever rations were available. Rick and company freed them inadvertently after breaking into the area with the injured Hershel. The main prisoner didn't take to these newbies well, and Rick seemed to sense this and made a quick escape. They got back to their cell, but the prisoners followed. Through aggressive negotiations, they cut a deal: half of the rations go to Rick's group, and in return, they'll help them free a cell block for the prisoners. Unfortunately, one prisoner got injured in the scapular area, and the prisoner leader put him down without much though. Red flag. Then, he threw a walker on top of Rick. Lori told Rick to do what he needs to, to keep the prison safe. And so he did, killing th email prisoner in return, trapping another one with some walkers. However, he spared the remaining two, and gave them their cell block. Meanwhile, Hershel eventually woke up after a brief CPR session from Lori. And the other lady (Gloria? Carol?) got a walker of her own to practice a C-section on.


I feel we can see Rick's stress and plight as a leader. The burden of all these things are falling to him, such as putting people's lives at risk, killing threats, etc. that has affected their marriage, which basically seems in ruins. Meanwhile, Carl is growing to be just as stubborn and strong as Rick, without the common sense. This was a good episode, but I have a feeling the prison is like a haunted house, with new threats and problems bound to turn up.


And next week, it looks like we are back to Michonne and Andrea.... and the governor!


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