Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Film Review: "Star Trek Into Darkness"

Star Trek Into Darkness

Star Trek Into Darkness was a superbly crafted film for the vast majority of its running time, but was better when it was known as Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan. Abrams went there, taking the most prominent of Kirk's villains and thrusting him into this sequel. How Khan was utilized, however, with Starfleet and then with Kirk, was done very well. I think everything was handled strongly right until the point where Kirk died. Spock had to yell out, "KHAAAAN!" didn't he? Just to be reminiscent of the older film? But fine, I'll take that, because it showed a human side to Spock, and his motivation for revenge was a change for the character. But one action made the film go downhill for me, and that's bringing Kirk back. I know, Spock came back too, but at least for some time, he was legitimately dead, and the ending with his funeral was beautiful. Here, the whole Kirk dying scene was a homage to ST2, and honestly, it was done very, very well. I loved that part of the film. But once he came back, it was like everyone's tidy, let's go on a mission. But Spock, didn't you just lose complete control of your emotion? Are we gonna ignore that? And Kirk, pal, you just basically died and came back.... any thoughts you'd like to share? How's that going to shape you now? We didn't get any of that at the end. And that's what brought this movie from a solid 9 to a 6.

I love characters, and especially these characters, who I've watched for so long on TV and film. And they were doing so well with the characterization until the very end. And the emotion we as an audience had for Kirk dying was undone so quickly, it felt like a big reset button. And regarding that, first off, aren't Khan's crew also superpowered? So can't you use their blood? And now you've frozen them away, but isn't his blood like a super cure for stuff? Revolutionary medical technology? The ending was sloppy, to me. Kirk should've stayed dead, at least until the next film, where I'd have liked to see some wibbly wobbly time travel stuff that leads to a reset of the old universe.

But aside from that major gripe, I thought the movie was so engrossing. The plot was solid, Khan was utilized very well, although as glad as I was to see him, I was hoping for something a bit more original. The action was superb, and seeing the film in IMAX 3D was just amazing, I felt like I really was there. One of the best presentations on IMAX I've seen, hands down, up there with that final battle in The Avengers. But way, way, way too much lens flare, to the point of distraction when the flare covers half a character's face.

I really like Star Trek, but I don't think JJ Abrams did this full justice. I'm concerned about his perspective on Star Wars. I enjoyed so much of this film, I wish the end didn't ruin the emotional investment I put into it up to that point. I felt disappointed after the last Star Trek as well, because they destroyed continuity, but the film did grow on me. Perhaps the same will happen here.

I will say, though, the actors are top notch. Pine, Urban, and of course Quinto, really channel their characters well from the older series. Especially Bones's lines, stellar. Scotty is a bit different, as are Sulu and Chekhov, but a welcome change. And Cumberbatch was just excellent as Khan, truly a good performance. I just wish maybe things had been a bit more original in the resolution. Bottom line: excellent summer action flick, and a largely decent Star Trek film that could've been really something if Kirk had just stayed dead.


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