Saturday, March 02, 2013

TV Watch: "Game of Thrones" Season 2

Game of Thrones
Season 2

The first stellar season of Game of Thrones adapted George R.R. Martin's first novel in his Song of Fire and Ice series. The second season adapted the second book, A Clash of Kings. It was a very well-made season, juggling many plots, political nuances, and more. I couldn't get through the book, which was too dense and slow-moving. The season, though, moved along rapidly but slow enough to absorb what was going on. The plot revolved around multiple kings: King Robb of the north, who was moving to fight the Lannisters, and made an alliance with King Stannis Baratheon. Stannis joined with Robb after killing his brother King Renly Baratheon, using dark magic from his alliance with Lysandre. Meanwhile, Catelyn Stark let Jaime Lannister escape under the watch of Brienne of Tarth, a former kinsguard of Renly. Joffrey, as annoying as ever, along with acting hand Tyrion and queen regent Cersei, prepared King's Landing for invasion by Stannis, using wildfire. The stunning Battle of Blackwater showcased Tyrion's bravery and Stannis's might, but in the end, an alliance between Tywin Lannister and House Tyrell, mediated by Littlefinger, yielded victory, ensuring Lannister dominance in the throne. Back at Winterfell, Theon Greyjoy betrayed the Starks and captured the castle, trying to prove his worth to his father. Osha escaped with the boys, but in the end, Stannis's troops recaptured Winterfell and Theon left. However, Winterfell was burned, and the boys escaped with Osha. Danerys ended up in Qarth, losing her dragons, but winning them back from the warlocks and the fake king, and now has enough gold to at least get a ship and travel to Westeros. And finally, Jon Snow made his way into wildling territory, killing a famous ranger Qorin Halfhand to help get in with the camp, and is about to meet the king-beyond-the-wall, Mance Rayder. The last stunning scene had the undead marching towards the first of the first men, as a horrified Sam watches. I can't wait for next season! I love the political intrigue, and the show is so addicting. The production values are so high, basically feels like a film. The production design is also on point, really making Westeros, Qarth, etc. feel like real locations. The characters are also so strong, and I felt so upset when I thought Tyrion bit the dust. Instead, he now has a killer facial scar. Bring on season 3!


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