Friday, February 03, 2012

Oscar Watch: "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close"

"Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close"
Directed by: Stephen Daldry
Starring: Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, Thomas Horn

The big surprise of the Oscar nominations! This film, not loved by critics, somehow made its way to oscars top spot. And in my opinion, totally undeserving. It's the story of a boy searching for a lock to his key, which he feels was left for him by his late father, well played by Tom Hanks. Throghout his quest, he encounters many people and stories, as well as a long lost relative.

The movie fell because of its main character. The kid was odd in his dealings and mindset. For instance, the first time he encounters Abby Black, he asks himself into her house, and offers her a kiss. Later on, when she offers him a ride, he says he doesn't take rides from strangers. But didn't he ask to kiss a complete stranger in her own house? The movie has things like this that just don't make sense, and take away from the realism of the film.

I didn't even understand the point of his quest. The film started with his dad telling his son about this missing sixth borough of NYC. So, he was inbued with a sense to search for things. But still, that sixth borough quest made no sense, or it was not explained well in the film. I understand that it's a nice mirror to the idea of losing a loved one, but aside from that, it was totally odd and unrealistic.

Why AMPAS chose this film is beyond me. Max von Syndow, as the silent renter turned grandfather, was decent, but nothing special. You know who should've had his spot? Andy Serkis.

Overall, a very subpar film which better not win any of it's award nominations.


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