Saturday, May 19, 2012

Comics Review: Annihilation

This marvel crossover was set in the cosmic, with a lot of cosmic characters playing major roles: Annihilus, Thanos, Nova, Peter Quell, Ronan, Super Skrull, Drax, Gamora, Red Shift, Starlight, Galactus, Silver Surfer, and more.


The basic story was that Annihilus, a being from the negative zone, was starting to take over the galaxy. Nova and his United Front were trying to hold them off, to no avail. Thanos was tasked by Annihilus to discover the biological applications of the power cosmic, the source of Galactus's power, but he discovers that there is no true biological application. After freeing some ancient beings whom Galactus trapped once upon a time, they defeat him and Silver Surfer, and Galactus is turned into a weapon. The will use him to obtain the power cosmic, and then channel that out of him for their purposes. A lot of the first three issues deal with a battle on one planet, as the front tries to hold off the bugs of the annihilation wave. Once the wave starts using Thanos's teleportation technology and Galactus's weapon, they have to flee. They are able to teleport massive amounts of enemies to overwhelm the resistance. Nova sends his log to Earth, to warn them via Reed Richards. Ronan goes back to the Kree Empire to depose the government, the government who made him a fugitive. super Skrull joins him. Meanwhile, Nova decides to go and kill Annihilus, the only way to truly end the war before it reaches earth. Earth seems especially defenseless, with everyone fighting over what seems to be the civil war.


Drax, meanwhile, is on a task to kill Thanos. Moondragon reads Annihilus's mind, sees that he just wants total destruction of everything, and convinces Thanos to free Galactus and stop Annihilus. Unfortunately, Drax arrives just in time to kill Thanos in a particularly nicely drawn panel. It seems that the galaxy is now doomed. However, Drax saves the day by breaking free the silver surfer and having him activate Thanos's device, freeing Galactus. Meanwhile, Ronan goes to hala, the capital of the Kree empire, and with the help of super skrull and praxagora, defeats multiple Kree before realizing they allied with Annihilus. Fortunately, he is able to defeat Ravenous, who seems to be Annihilus's right hand man, and then kills house fiyero. Then, after finding that they imprisoned the supreme intelligence, he frees it by killing it, leaving an uncertain fate for the future of the Kree empire. Finally, Galactus is freed, and initiates the Galactus Wave, which decimates the annihilation wave. Nova and Phylla are able to kill Annihilus after removing his quantum bands, obtained from Quasar. Thanos appears seemingly with lady death. The world is saved, the universe is saved, but at the very end, Annihilus seems to be born in Ravenous's hands.


Overall, I really enjoyed this series. It wasn't my favorite artwork, as it didn't appear as nearly realistic as McNiven's work, but the story was fantastic. I didn't know much about these cosmic characters beforehand, so to have a whole story, especially an epic war story dealing with them, was fantastic. I really want to read the next cosmic crossover, "War of Kings," at some point. If we even get a taste of this cosmic level of events in upcoming marvel films, that would be fantastic. The writing itself was also very good, and having Nova as our sort of guide through these events was helpful. Overall, an excellent limited series.


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