Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bond Retrospective: "Goldfinger"

Released: 1965


Actor: Sean Connery


Villain: Auric Goldfinger (Gert Frobe)


Henchman: Oddjob


Allies: Felix Leiter


Bond Girl: Pussy Galore (Honor Blackman)


First Appearance: Aston Martin, "I never joke about my work" - Q


Precredits sequence: Bond destroys a building, and then is almost killed while making love, stopping his opponent in a positively shocking manner.


Plot: After the precredits sequence, Bond is relaxing in Miami, when M sends Felix Leiter with a message: track Auric Goldfinger. The CIA has nothing on him, but they and MI-6 know that he is amassing large amounts of money offshore. Bond stops him fom cheating at cards, and beds his assistant, Jane Masterson, only to find her very golden and very dead a bit later. Bond makes a quick stop in England, where Q gives him a decked out Aston Martin. Bond travels back to the US, where he plays golf with Auric, and sees Oddjob's hat trick. Then he encounters Tilly, the sister of Jane, who's on a personal vendetta to kill Goldfinger, and they have a car chase, but she eventually falls for the aforementioned hat trick. Bond is captured, almost demasculinized by a laser, and then is sent to Kentucky on a plane piloted by Goldfinger's partner, the not-so-subtly named Pussy Galore. Bond is strapped to the bomb at Fort Knox, but eventually frees himself, disposes of Oddjob, and Felix arrives just in time to stop the bomb. Thus stops Goldfinger's plans for Operation Grand Slam, supposedly to destroy the US gold reserve to instantly increase the value of Goldfinger's offshore holdings. Pussy phones Washington for help. At the end, enroute to visit the POTUS, Auric ambushes Bond's plane, and is sucked out a window. Pilot Pussy and Bond survive, and he appeals to her maternal instincts as the film ends, with the promise of Thunderball.


Thoughts: Widely considered the best Bond film, Goldfinger is definitely entertaining. Best film? I don't know. The villain is decent, even a bit charming. The plot is alright, but Bond spends a good chunk of the film captured. Felix aged a lot, Jamaica must've really stressed the poor guy out. Pussy isn't a great Bond girl, and only became a "good guy" at the end. Oddjob probably takes the cake for best henchman, though. Overall, another solid entry, but maybe in the grand scheme of Bond films, slightly overrated.



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